Installing Kopia on Nixos

11 min read·October 30, 2023·(November 12, 2023)·#Data #Linux #Nix #NixOS #Tutorial 

I have a bunch of data that I want to backup -- who doesn't? Here are my considerations and why I landed on Kopia:

Kopia satisfies all of these requirements, plus it provides many niceties that one would expect from a cloud native application such as caching backups / metadata to save costs. It also provides a server mode so that each host can backup their files without potentially interacting with the other hosts' files. This is nice from a security perspective, since in theory a host can be compromised without potentially compromising all my backups. That's just theoretically though, and I'm pretty sure that Kopia was not written with security at the forefront. It does ensure that I don't accidentally mess with backups that I didn't want to touch.

Anyway, enough about Kopia. Let's set it up.

Setting up Kopia

For the initial setup, I install Kopia on a dedicated machine. This machine will receive and handle all of the requests from the different hosts, so it should have at least a few resources. Setting up the other hosts will come later.


I'll be setting up Kopia through its CLI on NixOS version 23.05. Some day I will write declarative configuration for it, but that day is not today.

To install Kopia, add kopia to your system packages. In my case, I'm using Home Manager, so my config looks something like:

home.packages = with pkgs; [
  # ... other packages

Then I just run sudo nixos-rebuild switch to rebuild my Home Manager config and install the software.

Repository creation

I'll be using a Backblaze B2 bucket configured as an S3 bucket. This, along with the other repository types, can be seen here. The reason for configuring as an S3 bucket is that some features such as object lock do not work with with the B2 bucket interface. Plus, it saves re-configuring as I can use S3 for many different cloud providers.

I create the repository with:

kopia repository create s3 \
        --bucket=gtbbackupsall \ \
        --access-key=005b8442ecf5a4f0000000002 \

The command will ask for a bunch of stuff -- I just leave them all at their defaults. It will ask for a repository password which should be secure and is used for the encryption. It can be changed later.

To connect to the repository later, just use connect rather than create.

Server mode

This dedicated host will be running in server mode so that the other hosts can access the repository using some arbitrary login credentials rather than the encryption key. This mode is flexible and has customizable access control list rules, should that be something you need. I find that the defaults work fine for my use.

The main reference for this section is here.

I'll be adding a user named immich on the host immich.

kopia server user add immich@immich

This will prompt for a password, which allows for users to access the repository without having the repository's private key.

To start the server with an auto-generated TLS certificate for the first time, I run:

kopia server start \
  --tls-generate-cert \
  --tls-cert-file ~/kopia.cert \
  --tls-key-file ~/kopia.key \
  --address <HOST_IP>:51515 \
  --server-control-username control \
  --server-control-password <PASSWORD>

Of course, you can use your own certificates if you want.

This will return the fingerprint of the certificate. If you missed it, just put a dummy value in and Kopia will tell you the real hash when you try and fail to connect. Otherwise you can use openssl to get the fingerprint, but it's honestly easier to just do it by failing to connect.

For future launches of the server, ensure that you run the command without --tls-generate-cert.

Access control list

Now that I have a user, I want to set up the ACL to determine what they are allowed to do. The default is for the user to only be able to:

This is actually pretty tight, and it's not obvious whether any benefit would come from tightening it further. At the very least it will keep me from accidentally modifying something that I didn't mean to.


To connect to the server from the immich host I run:

kopia repository connect server \
  --url https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>:51515 \
  --server-cert-fingerprint <FINGERPRINT> \
  --override-username=immich \

Defining policy

Now that I'm connected to the repository on a computer with files that I want backed up, I need to tell Kopia how to back those files up.

The docs sum up policy better than I can:

I can change policy settings using the kopia policy set command. This command allows you to change the global policy or change specific policies for a ‘user@host’, a ‘@host’, a ‘user@host:path’, or a particular directory. For example, here I tell Kopia to set the policy to ignore two directories from being included in the snapshot of jarek@jareks-mbp:/Users/jarek/Projects/Kopia/site:

There's just one policy that I will be modifying before creating my first snapshot. I want to exclude files and directories from being snapshotted. To do that I run:

kopia policy set [directory to be snapshotted] \
  --add-ignore <file glob> \
  --add-ignore <another file glob>

Alternatively, you can add a .kopiaignore file to the directory and add rules to it the same as a .gitignore.

To check that only the thing you want will be snapshotted, run:

kopia snapshot estimate <path>

The only other policy that I might want to touch is how many snapshots to keep, but I can take care of that later.

Compression (optional)

Compression has good support in Kopia, though there is still room for improvement as the algorithm for whether to compress a file or not is very rudimentary.

To get started, I'd recommend benchmarking the algorithms on files that you're going to be including in snapshots. If you already know what algorithm you want to use, then take a look at this table for the name that Kopia uses for the algorithm. Then look to the end of this section for the command to add compression to the snapshot policy.

Get started by adding a data directory to a .tar archive with:

tar -cvf test.tar <directory>

Note this doesn't exclude files that are ignored by Kopia. So if your ignore list is significant, this may give skewed results.

Now benchmark every algorithm with:

kopia benchmark compression \
  --data-file=test.tar \
  <--by-size or --by-alloc>

The output will look something like:

    Compression                Compressed   Throughput   Allocs   Usage
 0. zstd-better-compression    17.8 MB      210 MB/s     3163     99.7 MB
 1. gzip-best-compression      18 MB        34.9 MB/s    44       67.9 MB
 2. pgzip-best-compression     18 MB        183.8 MB/s   1549     143.6 MB
 3. deflate-best-compression   18 MB        40.1 MB/s    40       68.3 MB
 4. zstd                       18 MB        455.3 MB/s   3135     88.7 MB
 5. gzip                       18 MB        54.7 MB/s    41       67.9 MB
 6. zstd-fastest               18.3 MB      618.4 MB/s   6155     52.6 MB
 7. deflate-default            18.3 MB      281.5 MB/s   39       68.2 MB
 8. pgzip                      18.3 MB      1.1 GB/s     1479     130.1 MB
 9. s2-better                  18.6 MB      2.5 GB/s     1079     81.3 MB
10. pgzip-best-speed           18.7 MB      1.9 GB/s     1398     100.6 MB
11. deflate-best-speed         18.7 MB      459.9 MB/s   37       67.9 MB
12. gzip-best-speed            18.8 MB      264.2 MB/s   46       68.3 MB
13. s2-parallel-4              19.1 MB      2.8 GB/s     988      66.9 MB
14. s2-parallel-8              19.1 MB      3.6 GB/s     1076     80.7 MB
15. s2-default                 19.1 MB      4 GB/s       1130     84.9 MB

Compressed is the final compressed size of the file.

Throughput is how much data can be compressed per second. Note that this assumes unlimited disk I/O speed. If you're snapshotting data from a spinning rust hard-drive, you probably can't hit the 4 GB/s that s2-default can theoretically provide.

Allocs is the number of memory allocations needed during compression. If you know why this is important, please drop me a line!

Usage is the total memory usage during compression. If your host is extremely memory constrained, this might be an important factor.

Out of those, the only thing I look at is compressed. So I'll end up choosing zstd-better-compression almost every time. There used to be a zstd-best-compression, but that was deprecated for some reason, despite providing better compression ratio. The reason for this I'm not sure, but it's probably best to not use deprecated features.

Finally, add compression using your algorithm of choice to the policy with:

kopia policy set <path> --compression=<algorithm>

Snapshotting directories

Now with everything ready, I create a snapshot with:

kopia snapshot create <path>

Assuming this succeeds, all that's left to do is configure automatic snapshots. You can use cron or systemd services to accomplish this -- Kopia apparently has something built in for scheduling backups, but one of the creators themselves doesn't use it, so I'm not going to bother with it.

Since NixOS already uses systemd extensively, I'm going to use a systemd service which gets triggered periodically by a systemd timer to automatically trigger snapshots. There are two main ways to do this -- either through Home Manager or through the global config. For Home Manager, I add something like this to my Home Manager config: = {
  Unit = {
    Description = "Kopia backup";
    After = [ "" ];
  Service = {
    Type = "oneshot";
    ExecStart = toString (
      pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
        set -eou pipefail

        ${pkgs.kopia}/bin/kopia snapshot create [SNAPSHOT_DIR1]
        ${pkgs.kopia}/bin/kopia snapshot create [SNAPSHOT_DIR2]

systemd.user.timers.kopia = {
  Unit.Description = "Kopia backup schedule";
  Timer = {
    Unit = "oneshot";
    OnBootSec = "1h";
    OnUnitActiveSec = "1h";
  Install.WantedBy = [ "" ];

For global config, I use something like this: = {
    after = [ "" ];
    serviceConfig = {
      Type = "oneshot";
      User = "root";
      ExecStart = toString (
        pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
          set -eou pipefail

          ${pkgs.kopia}/bin/kopia snapshot create [SNAPSHOT_DIR1]
          ${pkgs.kopia}/bin/kopia snapshot create [SNAPSHOT_DIR2]

  systemd.timers.kopia = {
    timerConfig = {
      OnBootSec = "1h";
      OnUnitActiveSec = "1h";
      Unit = "kopia.service";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];

That's pretty much it! If all went well then snapshots should be quick and painless to add, and you can rest easy. Keep an eye out for a followup article on the second mandatory step for a good backup policy -- periodically verifying that backups are being taken, are accessible, and can be restored from quickly.

Further reading